Experimental documentary about post lockdown: audio meditations, performances and workshops at Finsbury Park Beehouse, London UK.
WELLBEEING : Beehouse Audio Meditations. Video. 20mins. UK. 2020
Directed by Bioni Samp. Additional editing by Hannah Thompson, Stephen Scutt, Anastasia Freygang
Experimental documentary about post lockdown: audio meditations, performances and workshops at Finsbury Park Beehouse, London UK.
Featuring: Hannah Hannah, GPUD, Stephen Scutt, Psychiceyeclix, Raxil4, Anastasia Freygang, Jenny Ni, Bioni.
For 15 years bees have lived in the park beehouse as their home. But as the beehouse is refurbished and repaired from last winters storm damage, it has become a weekly impromptu mini nature arts venue, for people wanting to escape the city, covid and lockdown.
Elements and themes of the video are..
Ambisonic bees piped into the beehouse for social distancing meditations. The beehouse turned into a giant EMF receiver. Listening to audio from plants electronic meditation. Cacophonersynth & Plantsynth battery powered, build your own synth workshop. Sunny days only, solar powered honey and house plants as synthesisers meditation. Beeing in nature. Reconnecting with nature meditation sessions. Learning recycling, make a house plant Plantsynth from a plastic milk container workshop. Pocket Operator’ and Cora jamming session. All at Finsbury Park Beehouse…
The documentary creates a immersive multiscreen experience, using OBS free and open source streaming software to layer multichannel video and audio.
Notes: In reality, bees hate loud noise and vibrations. As the beehouse is currently empty of bees we are able to offer access to this unique Beehouse space for our quiet ‘WELLBEEING’ electronic meditation sessions. Bees from the beehouse are outside nearby the beehouse in their own individual hives while refurbishment takes place.
Bioni Samp
Education; ‘Art and Design’ at Wakefield District College. ‘Audio Visual Studies’ (Film, Video and Sound) at Farnham, West Surrey College of Art and Design (now University for the Creative Arts) and post-grad. ‘Electronic Imaging and Sound’ at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, Scotland.
Bioni Samp’s first major installation was in 2013 at Barbican Arts Centre in London. His ‘Hive Synthesis’ 24 hour installation and performance was part of the Hack The Barbican Festival summer show.
From 2013 to 2020 I’ve taken my ‘Hive Synthesis or Beespace’ show on tour, performing and exhibiting sound installations in Ottawa, Canada at Gallery 101 and the National Museum of Nature. Harplinge, Sweden at Harp Art Lab. Slovakia at Banská Štiavnica Gallery. Prague, Czech Republic at školská 28 and Nová Perla. Wroclaw, Poland at the 16th Media Art Biennale. Linz,
Austria at Eleonore and STWST48 during ARS Electronica. Liverpool at FACT, The National Centre for Craft & Design Sleaford, UK. reROOted festival, part of Hull 2017 Year of Culture, Sonic Dreams Festival, Waterford Ireland 2017, Primal Uproar 3 onboard the MS Stubnitz, Hamburg
2018, Piksel Festival Norway 2018, Sample Music Festival Berlin 2019, Iklecktic Art Lab London 2019, Vitrine Gallery London 2020, STWST6 Stadwerkstatt Linz during ARS Electronica 2020 and many other various live shows in London and the UK.
From 1995 he has published studio recordings, a series of experimental music releases, on UK and international record labels (several on vinyl) : Aconito, EMIT (UK) Harthouse (DE) Philtre/Kompakt, Instinct, Minimalizm (USA) RoHS Prod (FR) Musica Dispersa (ES) and Noise Music (BR).
From 2006 – 2018 he invented a ‘Hive Synthesiser’, which he has performed extensively with. The‘Hive Synthesiser’ is an ever expanding, modular synthesiser made from recycled electrical components, that emulates ‘bee sounds’ and uses honey as a organic electrical resistor.
Currently Director of Finsbury Park Beehouse London. A beekeeping and nature arts venue.