Two Body Orchestra
Külli Roosna og Kenneth Flak
“Since each of us was several, there was already quite a crowd.”

Peru. Experimental musician, seeks through sound art the generation of atmospheres and landscapes, making use of ancestral instruments combined with contemporary digital sounds.

Duplex Drumming is a performance piece for two kit drummers, electronics, and two live projections. The drummers execute rhythmic binary patterns that produce both music and text. The content of the text produced by the drummers is a short meditation on human experience within a world increasingly dominated by digital processes.

Niño Salvaje is an audiovisual work for live coding that explores language, transmedia connections and hacktivism.For this, the project is built from the poetics of the text “Niño Salvaje”, by the Argentinian psychologist and musician Alberto Kuselman. This fragment, part of Andes music therapy and popularized as a children’s song in South America, is taken up from cyberactivism in the Hack-Back manifesto; An D.I.Y guide to robbing banks.

Ecuador. Artist who explores the sounds that emerge from experimentation with various electronic media, from the construction of analog and digital interfaces. His projects articulate the relationship between sound, territory and technology, speculating on possible futures, based on the place we have as human beings in this era. He is the producer of the cyclical show Permutación Sonora in Guayaquil and the ambient project Damballah.

tsch! is the new live coding project of Jaime Lobato where glitch deconstructs rhythm through audiovisual strategies.

Peru. Sounds produced by the interaction of various prototypes of autonomous construction, technological appropriation, recycling, free culture and auditory experimentation, and the MilaSalda’s graphics.

I will be present in person. If we are situated together in the same space – in person – we will experience a physical presence. Something will happen.

ommatidia live audiovisual by mathr & netz
Ommatidia live avfly vision algorithm
The fly vision algorithm is based obviously on the eyes of flies, “A compound eye is a visual organ found in arthropods such as insects and crustaceans. It may consist of thousands of ommatidia, which are tiny independent photoreception units that consist of a cornea, lens, and photoreceptor cells which distinguish brightness and color.

Mexico. Collaborative project founded by the architect and musician Malitzin Cortes and the transdisciplinary artist Iván Abreu, both programmers; with Inequality explore the poetic possibilities of livecoding.

Inneres Fallen des Wassermanns, proposes to bring the listener on an impressionnistic and wandering path of electronic sounds. Using DIY video and sound synthetizers, the electroacoustic performance continues Delia Derbyshire ́s attempts to re-create in five movements some sensations of dreaming – as running away, falling, landscape, under water and colour – in The Dreams (1964).

Mexico. Mexican ensemble of sound improvisation and experimentation with electronic media: Libertad Figueroa and Piaka Roela.

A performative installation in Mozilla Hubs, where Camilla Vatne Barrat-Due(NO), accordionist and performer, and Alexandra Cardenas(CO), composer, and live coder, join forces to create an oniric space where Norwegian and Colombian traditional folksongs can co-exist and generate unexpected dialogues.

Inspired in artistic movements related to tool hacking, social media and massive access to image and sound production softwares, Black Coded MIDI proposes an exploration of the relationship between image and sound by expanding Black MIDI genre with scripts in different programming languages.
Peru. Researches upon craft transdisciplinarity and complex thought, working with soft sculptures, textiles and embroidery, sound and human voice, text, painting, digital media, interactive art, artificial intelligence, performance and video.
In this performance Tim Shaw and John Bowers will collide current personal artistic interests relating to sound walking and feedback systems. The duo will perform in two separate, remote environments and stream the combined result (both audio and visual) to the Piksel venue. The work will explore the idea of extended feedback loops, combining analogue and digital methods to create time-shifting delay lines between the two performers.

Peru. The search for the sound importance for rituals in the mountain world, entheogenic sounds on the neglected side of the listeners’ consciousness.

Deciban is chdh’s new audiovisual performance where sound and visual shapes emerge from noise. On the screen, a video noise similar to the “snow” of old analog TVs fills the entire space. This hypnotic material, accompanied by its sound alter ego, is animated and set in motion by forces controlled in real time by two performers using laptops.