Piksel 20. The future narrow, where you don’t want to go.
festival for elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi
PIKSEL CYBER SALON –> https://hubs.mozilla.com/cXcs3e4/the-future-narrow-piksel
Piksel 20. The future narrow, is presenting the work of 57 artists at 4 different venues. Works challenging the pandemic times, VR spaces made in the Quarantine 10 residencies, artificial intelligence algorithms generating non-existent eyes or creating voices to anonymous faces, virtual dogs that develop empathy to their robotic trainer (?), retro-devices simulators, glitches, live coding and ecopoetry, and some other sceptical sights to the “zeitgeist”.
- Studio 207 is hosting the installations and physical artworks.
- Piksel Cyber Salon introduces us 29 international interactive pieces, expanding our vision on what the artists have been developing along this weird 2020 year.
- Lydgalleriet, the sound gallery of Bergen, hosts 2 ongoing AV interactive installations where artists and musicians join online along the 3 festival days to create a unique sound string and visual narrative.
- PIKSELFLIKS, 3 hours video creation looped and broadcasted 12 hour a day.

“Entropy: Sky” is a photovideography, a photograph that changes over time to change status and become a video artwork.
The pixels of the image are drawn, depending on their brightness, in opposite directions.
From these torn skies will remain only traces, vestiges of a time when the great balances on Earth were respected.

Hamilton Mestizo, an expert artist and scientist working on DIY bioart. Hamilton Mestizo is an artist, cultural manager and researcher from Bogotá (1983). His work is developed from a transdisciplinary perspective that explores the edges between art, technology and science, critically inspecting theirs sociocultural and ecological implications.

During the time of quarantine I have been experimenting with methods of culturing microorganisms based on techniques and procedures used in DIY microbiology and artistic methodology. For this, mixtures of different culture media (with organic waste from cooking and special inks) for growing microorganisms have been made, revealing shapes and structures derived from the diversity of these living beings like fungus, algae, bacteria, viruses and yeasts.

“ABOUT US”: PARA-INSTITUTIONS AND SPECULATIVE ORGANIZATIONS Is a print exhibition (and interactive lecture) which features the logos and the short, edited, “about us” or mission statements of various institutions and organizations from around the world.

The Price Of Berlin is part of Malte Steiners artproject The Big Crash, an expansive art piece which branches out in many forms, such as painting, electronic art, sound and music, net art, sculpture and installation art. The thematic departure point for the piece is the instability of the real estate market as a consequence of extreme gentrification. The Price Of Berlin consists of four 3D printed artefacts derived from real estate ads.

“Doomscrolling” refers to the ways in which people find themselves regularly—and in some cases, almost involuntarily—scrolling bad news headlines on their phone, often for hours each night in bed when they had meant to be sleeping. Certainly the realities of the pandemic necessitate a level of vigilance for the purposes of personal safety.

‘Inattention’ is a #Teletext based animation made at the Residency Irudika 2020 and, it was finished in confinement on May 3rd, 2020, in Angoulême. The residency at La Maison des Auteurs was for 3 weeks but lockdown made me stayed for 3 months in an apartment without wifi.

-Continuum Composition Installation-performance (Chaoslab v3) with Dime
Ensemble 19th to 21st – ongoing AV streaming installation

This is a presentation proposal to introduce the artistic and technical inspiration behind Momimsafe (https://momimsafe.live); a project that was my response to the covid-19 lockdown in Chicago. This work is a disarmingly simple use of technology to passively link distant spaces during a time of isolation and unpredictability. Along with a telepresence element, Momimsafe led to a number of satellite projects that emerged from it.

Machine vision technologies, such as object recognition, facial recognition and emotion detection, are increasingly used to turn images into information, filter it and make predictions and inferences. In the past years these technologies have made rapid advances in accuracy.

Speech 2 is an experimental audiovisual piece created from a series of old clips from the US broadcast public affairs interview program The Open Mind. This piece is reflection on the action of communicating, highlighting its limitations, and can be labelled as “text-sound-art” in an audio-visual framework.

Theodore is an interactive installation capable to write sentimental letters
based only on image content. The main idea underlying this project is to find out if machines are able to understand feelings, context, and generate intimate and confidential letters that express human-like sentiments using only pictures as input.

Do robots dream of virtual puppies? Nintendogs is a gameboy game about training dogs. In addition, simulated leisure time with the virtual animals is an important part of the game. In the installation the game is “played” by a robot who the whole console to stroke the dog. The installation asks: Will artificial empathy ever play a role? Does a virtual dog notice that he is being stroked by a robot? And can a virtual dog develop sympathies for this robot?

MindCoding is an experimental platform that allows all people to perform with code in real time, even if they have knowledge in music/programming or not. This platform uses the information collected by an electroencephalography sensor in real time and converts it into supercollider code.

In the face of climate change, large-scale computer-controlled systems are being deployed to understand terrestrial systems. Artificial intelligence is used on a planetary scale to detect, analyze and manage landscapes. In the West, there is a great belief in ‘intelligent’ technology as a lifesaver. However, practice shows that the dominant AI systems lack the fundamental insights to act in an inclusive manner towards the complexity of ecological, social, and environmental issues.

The project consists of a solar-powered sound installation.
The main purpose of this project is to stimulate a reflection focused on the acoustic dimension that characterizes the spaces we live in and in which we are inserted daily, with the aim to raise awareness of the importance of the sound element within the natural and artificial landscape and of the impacts that noise pollution has on human activities and animal life.

“Study for a cosmic city” is an audiovisual work inspired by a utopian urban proposal exposed by the composer and architect Iannis Xenakis in an essay entitled “La Ville Cosmique” (1965).

These series is called* Reconquista* as I view the temples scattered all over Lima as a glitch on what it would otherwise be a uniform third world imitation of first world architecture: these should have disappeared in colonial times (many did) but others were just forgotten, being buried underground but this erasing of memory was what actually saved them.

November in Marseille, starlings gather on a crane before their big departure to Africa.
The photographic trace, lost with the film, is here reinvented to show the flight of birds under a new aspect.
Will their freedom of movement forever remain a distant dream for humanity?

Experimental documentary about post lockdown: audio meditations, performances and workshops at Finsbury Park Beehouse, London UK.

Designed by French artist Gaël Tissot, Nexploria is an artistic experience, playful and social, freely accessible. Equipped with a headset or loudspeakers, the user/explorer navigates on the interface, selects fragments of music, words and background sounds, assembles them and shares his creation on the platform.

Extracting official data of the Italian situation a specifically designed algorithm turns the daily numbers of confirmed cases, recovered patients and new deaths into ever-evolving sound waves.
Day by day, as the Covid-19 situation evolves, the numbers change, and so do the frequencies of the sounds that we hear, abandoning the initial harmony.

This game is a basic shooter that I coded during the Covid. My kids were driving me crazy during lockdown in Belgium.

Chloroquine pop-ups is a webessay composed around the moment in which Brazil exceeded 100,000 deaths from SARS-CoV-2. The work explores exhaustively sound, visual and interactive elements of the web browser interface: pop-ups, mouse movements and the dragging of the windows constitute the ways of playing the instrument that performs this composition.

What are digital abstractions? For modern, abstract painting, the physicality of its material components corroborates its meaning: the substrate, the paint itself, or collaged elements questioned conventional relations between figure and ground. Perspective was key to understanding this meaning, as was the picture plane (corresponding to the surface of a picture, perpendicular to the viewer’s line of sight) which fixed the object in time and space.

The three Moirae are transformed from mythical entities to three algorithms and re-define the destiny of western archives. Mythical beings acquire algorithmic substance and derive material from the open licensed repositories of Western culture through the Europeana accumulator.
The stored files become operational after being fragmented and rebuilt through structural modification.

Two Body Orchestra
Külli Roosna og Kenneth Flak
“Since each of us was several, there was already quite a crowd.”

These-Eyes is a live coding performance with an interactive component from the viewers. A website is set up on Heroku to grab an image from https://thispersondoesnotexist.com periodically and scanned for eyes using OpenCV. These eyes are then constructed in a collage and presented on the top of the site and dynamically updated. Optionally, the public can submit their own detected eyes by turning on their webcam.

How does your hair sound, and what sound is made when you shrug your shoulder? Sound of Silence is not a performance in the traditional sense, but an open experiment exploring the relationship between movement and sound. The soundscape in this performance consists of sounds created on stage by the dancers and their movements. Using different types of microphones and computer programming, every sound you experience is a result of the happenings on stage.

Peru. Experimental musician, seeks through sound art the generation of atmospheres and landscapes, making use of ancestral instruments combined with contemporary digital sounds.

Duplex Drumming is a performance piece for two kit drummers, electronics, and two live projections. The drummers execute rhythmic binary patterns that produce both music and text. The content of the text produced by the drummers is a short meditation on human experience within a world increasingly dominated by digital processes.

Niño Salvaje is an audiovisual work for live coding that explores language, transmedia connections and hacktivism.For this, the project is built from the poetics of the text “Niño Salvaje”, by the Argentinian psychologist and musician Alberto Kuselman. This fragment, part of Andes music therapy and popularized as a children’s song in South America, is taken up from cyberactivism in the Hack-Back manifesto; An D.I.Y guide to robbing banks.

Ecuador. Artist who explores the sounds that emerge from experimentation with various electronic media, from the construction of analog and digital interfaces. His projects articulate the relationship between sound, territory and technology, speculating on possible futures, based on the place we have as human beings in this era. He is the producer of the cyclical show Permutación Sonora in Guayaquil and the ambient project Damballah.

tsch! is the new live coding project of Jaime Lobato where glitch deconstructs rhythm through audiovisual strategies.

Peru. Sounds produced by the interaction of various prototypes of autonomous construction, technological appropriation, recycling, free culture and auditory experimentation, and the MilaSalda’s graphics.

This is a workshop on how to use Aframe, a web framework for building 3D/AR/VR experiences.
We’re going to cover the basics of HTML and the Entity-Component Model.
As well as creating our models using Magica Voxel.

Live Coding is a technique of audiovisual improvisation/composition in real time where programming languages are used to produce the performance and also the process is open and shared with the public, in such a way that the production tool is aesthetically absorbed by the content of the live act.

The acanthus is a millenary ornament, which can help us reflect upon ideas structuring contemporary society. Starting in Ancient Greece, the acanthus became the single ornament expanding over the widest geographic area and through the longest time span in human history.

Complex problems have required new information management paradigms, because electronic computing has shown certain limits. In this presentation we will talk about Jaime Lobato’s non-conventional computation projects and their application in contemporary art (bacteria and chemical computers)

In this talk we will cover the development path of the Open Hardware Pocket Science Lab (PSLab) board from version one in 2014 to today and outline how we use tools like KiCad to bring the device to large scale production. We will also share some major issues that we solved to get the device manufacturing ready and challenges that lie ahead of us like ensuring thorough device testing at production.

The development of fast, light boats for the sport of rowing follows a parallel path with the history of capitalism, with, for example the development of faster and faster sailing clippers to beat the opposition to the market. As Virillio said “The invention of the ship was also the invention of the shipwreck”.

I will be present in person. If we are situated together in the same space – in person – we will experience a physical presence. Something will happen.

ommatidia live audiovisual by mathr & netz
Ommatidia live avfly vision algorithm
The fly vision algorithm is based obviously on the eyes of flies, “A compound eye is a visual organ found in arthropods such as insects and crustaceans. It may consist of thousands of ommatidia, which are tiny independent photoreception units that consist of a cornea, lens, and photoreceptor cells which distinguish brightness and color.

Mexico. Collaborative project founded by the architect and musician Malitzin Cortes and the transdisciplinary artist Iván Abreu, both programmers; with Inequality explore the poetic possibilities of livecoding.

Inneres Fallen des Wassermanns, proposes to bring the listener on an impressionnistic and wandering path of electronic sounds. Using DIY video and sound synthetizers, the electroacoustic performance continues Delia Derbyshire ́s attempts to re-create in five movements some sensations of dreaming – as running away, falling, landscape, under water and colour – in The Dreams (1964).

Mexico. Mexican ensemble of sound improvisation and experimentation with electronic media: Libertad Figueroa and Piaka Roela.

A performative installation in Mozilla Hubs, where Camilla Vatne Barrat-Due(NO), accordionist and performer, and Alexandra Cardenas(CO), composer, and live coder, join forces to create an oniric space where Norwegian and Colombian traditional folksongs can co-exist and generate unexpected dialogues.

This workshop asks participants to analyze their intimate, lived relationships with technology and concepts such as data privacy; interface microaggressions; conceptual, legal, and technical glitches;. Participants will use their own devices to examine the Terms of Service of their installed applications, locating the most confusing, absurd, illogical, or abstract segments.

How can you be anybody in Zoomspace? Very recent developments in deep-learning, allow creating synthetic media of unprecedented quality and ease. The first-order-motion-model can do facial reenactment in real-time, provided with only a single image of your desired avatar. This came not a moment too soon, as Human communication was forced to move online due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

with today’s surge in interest for hardware audio equipment there are many options for artists to perform with dedicated sound instruments. this is still not the case for real-time video performance. both Korg and Roland have discontinued their video-samplers, leaving nothing commercial to fill this void.

Faces2Voices is an online interactive installation which uses facial recognition technology to create a generative music composition based on imaginary voices of online visitors. The composition is evolving over time depending on the contributions of people involved.

Geospatial data analysis is a field dominated by corporate, academic, and government interests,. It often replicates the biases of developers when applied into software, and in more sinister cases causes harm while creating profit for venture capital. In a world where profit is the strongest interest, activist and grassroots applications of geospatial data are difficult to produce.

Alt Går Bra and Alessandro Ludovico will discuss technology, departing from an obsolete printing machine known as mimeograph.

It was accepted mostly as a clever joke when Edwin Brady and Chris Morris chose April Fool’s Day, 2003 to announce a programming language written solely in tabs, spaces, and returns. But such a thing was possible: a language that can express any algorithm programmable in C++, written only with white space characters. This is of course the legendary esolang Whitespace.

Inspired in artistic movements related to tool hacking, social media and massive access to image and sound production softwares, Black Coded MIDI proposes an exploration of the relationship between image and sound by expanding Black MIDI genre with scripts in different programming languages.
Peru. Researches upon craft transdisciplinarity and complex thought, working with soft sculptures, textiles and embroidery, sound and human voice, text, painting, digital media, interactive art, artificial intelligence, performance and video.
In this performance Tim Shaw and John Bowers will collide current personal artistic interests relating to sound walking and feedback systems. The duo will perform in two separate, remote environments and stream the combined result (both audio and visual) to the Piksel venue. The work will explore the idea of extended feedback loops, combining analogue and digital methods to create time-shifting delay lines between the two performers.

Peru. The search for the sound importance for rituals in the mountain world, entheogenic sounds on the neglected side of the listeners’ consciousness.

Deciban is chdh’s new audiovisual performance where sound and visual shapes emerge from noise. On the screen, a video noise similar to the “snow” of old analog TVs fills the entire space. This hypnotic material, accompanied by its sound alter ego, is animated and set in motion by forces controlled in real time by two performers using laptops.