Thinking about the festival, the word GLOCAL came to our minds, and it seems to us that is definitively getting a new meaning now. ‘Think Global, Act Local’ slogan is fitting perfectly the HYBRID situation we are facing: a lot of ONLINE concerts and activities, workshops, presentations, etc. -which actually expands the audiences internationally (good point!)- done at our local studios, venues, arenas…
On the other side, our neighborhood is changing. A lot of cultural organizations are settling in the Nordnes area their headquarters, studios, galleries, and we applaud and welcome that change.
With that in mind, have invited the organizations in the neighborhood to collaborate in the Piksel program, by adding/doing/curating/exhibiting/hosting any kind of activity (presentation, installation, concert, workshop) that could fit under the Piksel foundations (electronic art/free libre technologies) at their space. To present these collaborations as part of an expanded program made in BERGEN, to claim and disseminate the new artistic mood in the area to the Bergen local public and internationally.
Piksel20 collaborates with Lydgalleriet, Alt Går Bra, BIT Teatergarasjen, TWA and Borealis.
In the same way, we have sought to strengthen our global networks. Since 2016, Piksel has intertwined with its South American partners, Asimtria, CNSD, [ANTI]MATERIA, and many more, the festival TRANSPIKSEL. In this edition, we are very proud to be presenting some of the actors that have made possible. Curated by Asimtria, TransPiksel Abya Yala brings 8 artists performers from México, Perú, and Ecuador. APO33, is another of those networks. A sister network, based in the same Piksel foundations, electronic art and sound, and defenders of the use of free/libre technologies. APO33 from Nantes will take over the AV installation DIME ENSEMBLE, where French musicians will be sharing their sounds and visuals along with the 3 days festival. On Saturday, a together AV performance with musicians in Perú, Norway, and France will manifest the affective network among the participants.

PikselAlmenningen is where the Piksel20. The future narrow goes to the streets of Bergen. With an impressive mobile projector, Piksel brings the festival to the people. During the 3 days of the festival, concerts, audiovisuals cuts, interviews, workshops, and presentations, the KOPF Kino will be our ally in the city.

In 2020 SAGA (sexuality and gender acceptance) collaborates with Queer World Vest and PKI (Patient organisation for gender incongurens) in the creation of Norways first Transgender Awareness Week. This is organised in Bergen 16th-20th November, with a vision to expand to more cities in Norway within the next few years. The festival is created by […]

-Continuum Composition Installation-performance (Chaoslab v3) with Dime
Ensemble 19th to 21st – ongoing AV streaming installation

MindCoding is an experimental platform that allows all people to perform with code in real time, even if they have knowledge in music/programming or not. This platform uses the information collected by an electroencephalography sensor in real time and converts it into supercollider code.

Peru. Experimental musician, seeks through sound art the generation of atmospheres and landscapes, making use of ancestral instruments combined with contemporary digital sounds.

Ecuador. Artist who explores the sounds that emerge from experimentation with various electronic media, from the construction of analog and digital interfaces. His projects articulate the relationship between sound, territory and technology, speculating on possible futures, based on the place we have as human beings in this era. He is the producer of the cyclical show Permutación Sonora in Guayaquil and the ambient project Damballah.

Peru. Sounds produced by the interaction of various prototypes of autonomous construction, technological appropriation, recycling, free culture and auditory experimentation, and the MilaSalda’s graphics.

The acanthus is a millenary ornament, which can help us reflect upon ideas structuring contemporary society. Starting in Ancient Greece, the acanthus became the single ornament expanding over the widest geographic area and through the longest time span in human history.

Mexico. Collaborative project founded by the architect and musician Malitzin Cortes and the transdisciplinary artist Iván Abreu, both programmers; with Inequality explore the poetic possibilities of livecoding.

Mexico. Mexican ensemble of sound improvisation and experimentation with electronic media: Libertad Figueroa and Piaka Roela.
Peru. Researches upon craft transdisciplinarity and complex thought, working with soft sculptures, textiles and embroidery, sound and human voice, text, painting, digital media, interactive art, artificial intelligence, performance and video.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19-22 @Lydgalleriet
DIME ENSEMBLE, APO33 (FR), 72 hours live AV performance
Mind Coding, Jaime Lobato (MX), interactive installation.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 12 – PikselAllmeningen in collaboration with BIT Teatergarasjen
PikselAllmeningen goes Quarantine 10 than goes to the facade!!!
Join us to the Quarantine 10 projections. The artists will open their houses to the facades with the giant projection at their houses. Keep tuned!
MONDAY NOVEMBER 15 –16 – 19 TWA collaboration
16:00 – 16:20 – Artists Presentations: Acanthus Project by Alt Går Bra
18:00 – 18:30 – Artists Presentations: Alt Går Bra and Alessandro Ludovico
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 @Studio 207, Strandgaten 207
20:00 Borealis Listening Club : Togetherness
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19 – Festival opening and presentation @Pikselfliks LIVE and bar at @Piksel Cyber Salon
21:00 – 24: 00 – Online AV Performances / concerts
21:00 #DMTh5 (PE), TransPiksel Abya Yala
22:30 Angel Salazar (EC), TransPiksel Abya Yala
23:30 ### (PE), TransPiksel Abya Yala
21:00 – 24:00 – Online AV Performances / concerts
21:30 Daniel Lara (MX), TransPiksel Abya Yala
22:30 Inequality!=y (MX), TransPiksel Abya Yala
23:30 Todas las anteriores (MX), TransPiksel Abya Yala
21:00 – 24:00 – Online AV Performances / concerts
21:30 Paola Torres Nunes (PE), TransPiksel Abya Yala
22:30 Takau (PE), TransPiksel Abya Yala
THUR- SAT NOVEMBER 19 – 21 @Lydgalleriet
Continuum Composition DIME Ensemble
Jenny Pickett – Modular Synth, video
Robin Plastre – electronics, video
Julien Héraud – Modular Synth
Chloé Malaise – Computer, video
Julien Ottavi – Electronics, video
Watch here:
Listen here:
Supported by Apo33 for live streaming technology: | |
23:00 – Online AV Performances / concerts
Dime Ensemble – APO33 (FR) + Vonrik Haug – Piksel (NO) + ### TransPiksel Abya Yala (PE)